Sunday, September 5, 2010

I have never been great with writing so starting this blog was something completely new to me. My first reason is to highlight my weight loss journey. What makes it different is that I'm not in to lose five pounds. I have been told (by several doctors)that I have to lose 50 lbs. Yes, 50 lbs! I am 21 ( almost 22...) and have begun to face health problems. I have high cholestrol, acid reflux problems, back and joint problems. I mean, good grief, I should not feel this way. I want to feel good about myself and not get depressed everytime I look in the mirror. Where do you start? The weight came upon me fast, but yet it cant disappear as fast. My first step is researching which weight loss program is right for me and then we go from there.

1 comment:

  1. Love the look of your new blog. I think you will be very successful with your journey. At least, more than me! Just keep thinking about your health and how you want to feel. You are a beautiful young person, inside and out.
